Do these words in the title sound familiar to you? Even though „Hello World“ is a bit overused as an entrance to software development, some traditions should be kept. Who we are? We are a small development team from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the depth of eastern germany. Years ago we started talking about the games we want to create someday, but now we‘re getting serious: We founded our company and are ready to go!
But what can you expect from us? Currently we are working on our first „official“ game. We want to take it easy and start with a small project. That way we approach our common methods and learn how to manage all the oncoming work as a team. Though we are a rather compact team of just 4 people, we still needed some time to get settled.

Our first game
Our first game is a (more or less) traditional endless runner. The first levels are already created and are getting „dressed“ right now. That means we are currently working on the appearance of the game and try to fix some performance problems. When everything‘s alright, we will present an early version of the game in a couple of weeks.
You will hear about news to our current progress first on our website, but of course we‘re on other platforms too. Next to this website we will inform you on Twitter
. Other platforms will follow as soon as we have more things to talk about.
We would like you to ask us any questions that might come to your mind. We would be glad to hear from you!